Monday, October 31, 2011

Reading Log #7

If I was to tell you guys I was an over-achiever, would you belive me?  If you do, don't, because I'm not.  I just read a lot and try to make my drawings perfect.  Yes, I am a perfectionist, but not an over-achiever.  Also, I would like some ideas on how to open these posts.  I am slowly but surely having the ideas drained out of my brain, since the science fair needs more room for thought.

Book: Angel
Author: James Patterson (I was in a bad mood last post)
Pages: 76-150
Icon: Details!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have discovered Max to have a great sense of humor.  She is extremely sarcastic, and I love that about her.  Her tounge is like a knife (not literally, it's a figure of speech) that could slice somebody in half.

"I held my hands up in the universal 'I'm unarmed and if you shoot me you're a total unfair jerk' gesture, but only heard safties clicking off in response." (Patterson, 92)  (I will begin citing my sources from now on)
"I didn't know what I expected to find, San Quentin?" (Patterson, 126)

This evidence shows that Max is not afraid to let out her inner sarcastic soul.  She is good with irony, and is somebody I'd want to have a nice, long sarcastic conversation with.

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