Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Reading Log #10

So for English, while I was gone we were supposed to finish reading a whole book in a week.  I didn't know about this until yesterday, and what did I do?  I finished a book!  Middleworld is complete.

Book: Middleworld: The Jaguar Stones
Author: J&P Voelkel
Pages:  I'm using the whole book for this post.
Icon: Big Ideas

Max Murphy has gone to the dense jungles of San Xavier in search of his parents.  Throughout the story, he ventures through an enviroment totally different than the one he grew up in, along with Lola, Heramnjillo, and Lord 6-Dog and Lady Coco (an ancient Maya king and his mother, trapped in the form of two howler monkeys).  They try to find the jaguar stones, an extreme force of power that are deadly if they fall in the wrong hands.  All this time, Max learns to appreciate his easy and simple life and begins to fall for Lola in the end.

Read the book.  It's really good.

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