Monday, November 7, 2011

Reading Log #... Ummm...

Okay, I'll admit that I forgot which log number this is.  Sorry!  Okay, I'm still reading Angel.  I can't speedread right now because I have a science fair project to run, birthday to celebrate, paperwork to fill out, and whatnot.  That project is going to kill me eventually, and then you won't be able to read my blog posts anymore...  Such a shame...  Well, back to Angel!

Book:  See above paragraph.
Author:  See below reading log posts.
Pages: 150(or 151)- 248
Icon: Big Ideas

Ever since the Erasers were wiped out, and Itex destroyed, and Dr. Hans got put out of buisness, and Mr. Chu dissapeared, things have been mildly peaceful.  But now the flock(s) have discovered the Doomsday group, an organization that is rallying people and genetic freaks to detsroy the humans.  Their methods?  To make it sound like humans are the bad guys, and that if they go, then the world will be a better place. Somehow, they are getting into peoples' minds, and convincing them to basically side with them, human or not.  To Max and friends, this makes groups like Itex look like nothing.  It does to me too.

1 comment:

  1. I know! Our project will end up giving me quite a few gray hairs...If it doesn't kill us let's have a HP movie marathon!
