Monday, October 31, 2011

Reading Log #7

If I was to tell you guys I was an over-achiever, would you belive me?  If you do, don't, because I'm not.  I just read a lot and try to make my drawings perfect.  Yes, I am a perfectionist, but not an over-achiever.  Also, I would like some ideas on how to open these posts.  I am slowly but surely having the ideas drained out of my brain, since the science fair needs more room for thought.

Book: Angel
Author: James Patterson (I was in a bad mood last post)
Pages: 76-150
Icon: Details!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have discovered Max to have a great sense of humor.  She is extremely sarcastic, and I love that about her.  Her tounge is like a knife (not literally, it's a figure of speech) that could slice somebody in half.

"I held my hands up in the universal 'I'm unarmed and if you shoot me you're a total unfair jerk' gesture, but only heard safties clicking off in response." (Patterson, 92)  (I will begin citing my sources from now on)
"I didn't know what I expected to find, San Quentin?" (Patterson, 126)

This evidence shows that Max is not afraid to let out her inner sarcastic soul.  She is good with irony, and is somebody I'd want to have a nice, long sarcastic conversation with.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Reading Log #6

I am pondering how I should continue to begin my blog posts.  You know, like "Hola" or "Hello again!".  Well, since I have no ideas, I'll just ramble on for a bit on how my life is right now.  I just got back from Ross and my cousins are pestering the crap out of me.  Yes, even as I type. (Of course I put that there on purpose, Malia)  I have begun yet another new book.  Angel, the book that follows up Fang in the Maximum Ride series.  It's really good, and I have discovered a twist in the story that made me want to freaking SLAP the heck out of Fang (the character, not the book).

Author: Do I really have to say it?
Pages: 1-76
Icon: Multiple Perspectives

In this very interesting episode of Maximum Ride, both Max's and Fang's points of view are being portrayed.  For instance, Max believes that Fang made the wrong choice to leave the flock and start his own gang.  Fang believes that he did the right thing by leaving, and that Max will be safer without him.  Both characters have similar opinions about Dylan, the flock newbie.  However, from what I've been told, Max's feelings towards him begin to change throughout the book.  One word: J-U-I-C-Y.

To James Patterson: Hurry and finish the last book!  I'm dying here with all the suspense!!!!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Reading Log #5

Okay, so for those of you that read my last post, that log was for the second half of last week  This post is for the first half of this week.  Again, sorry for being so late.  Fang continues:now!

Book: Fang (you know this stuff)
Author: James Patterson
Pages: 88-138
Icon: Details (I wil be using this icon for the first post every week)

After trying to get the flock to educate themselves, Max has decided to let them have a birthday party; all of them at once.  She says that "sometimes being a good leader is knowing when to back off".  Apparently, she believes that she is stressing the flock too much with their studies, and she also has them ready for battle when they need to be.  She's right, so she lets things kind of slide for a while.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Reading Log Post #4

Hola, amigos!  I have returned (I'm late, but I'm back) and am now reading Fang of the Maximum Ride series!  And yes, I am, as some of you may say, a book hopper; I frequently change books.  I have the time to do it, you know!!!  Oh, and I finished the Hunger Games series.  Personally, I was very pleased with the ending, though some of my friends weren't...  Anyhow, let the blogging begin!!!!

Book:  Fang
Author: James Patterson
Pages: 1-87
Response Icon: Big Ideas

Ever since Max and the flock stopped Itex from taking over the world (see book 3), they have stopped the current cycle of Erasers chasing/finding them, battling, and then the flock disappearing for a while.  All the Erasers are dead; now Max has to worry about saving the world from other people, like, oh, maybe THE REST OF THE WACKO SCIENTISTS LEFT ON THE PLANET.  Recently, Angel has also been acting strange...

Evidence:  Read the series yourself.  I can't put it all here.

Max is constantly saving the world, and each enemy is harder to destroy/get rid of.

And I DID notice the typho in the last post.  My mistake.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Reading Log Post #3

Hello!  I have finished the harry POtter series yet again, and have begun the book Catching Fire, from the Hunger Games series.  I read the first one a while back.  Do not expect me to reread it anytime soon.

Book: Catching Fire
Author: Suzanne Collins

Icon: Details!!

Katniss Everdeen has survived the dreaded Hunger Games, in which she mananged to save both her life and also save a boy named Peeta, who had come with her from District 12.  She is about to travel on the Victory Tour, but is comepletely unwilling to do so.  On top of that, President Snow has threatened the life of her family members and her best friend and his family as well.

1:"If it were up to me, I would try to forget the Hunger Games entirely.  Never speak of them.  Pretend they were nothing but a bad dream.  But the Victory Tour makes that impossible."
2:"Now I've endangered Gale and his family and my family and Peeta, too, by my carelessness."

Katniss doesn't want to remember the Hunger Games because they remind her of  all the death that occurred during that time.  President Snow is threataning Katniss's family and friends because he believed that she is the cause for the uprisings in the other districts, and that she is also defying the government.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Reading Log #2

Hello again!  I have my wonderful reading log beside me as I type out this post.  In a moment you shall once again experience the glory of...HARRY POTTER!

Book:  Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Author: J.K. Rowling

Response Icon:  Multiple perspectives

When Kreacher the house elf first met Hemione Granger, he was disgusted by her presence.  A Mudblood in the noble house of Black!  How dishonorable!  (no, I am NOT Slytherin.  I am simply restating what Kreacher must have felt)  However, as Harry became more compassionate towards Kreacher, and Kreacher began to be more accepting of Harry, Kreacher began to respect Hermione as well.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Reading Log Posting

As of this... erm, week, no, day... oh, time period, whatever, I'm going to start posting my reading log  sections.  I should normally produce two posts a week, and as of right now ( hah!  I mastered that one THIS time) I am reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.  Yes, fangirl scream for all you readers out there.

Book:  Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Author: J.K. Rowling
Pages read: 1-117

Response Icon:  Details ( the super easy one)

Statement:  Harry is now in extreme danger since he has come of age, and his aunt and uncle cannot protect him.  He has taken refuge in the Burrow, the home to (presently) six of the nine Weasleys.

Quote: "'ll be able to use a Portkey to the Burrow."

Harry is going to the Burrow beacuse it is safer there than it is a Number Four Privet Drive.  There, he can be magically protected by the Order.